Rob Frankel
Rob Frankel

Expert Witness


Companies ranging in size from Fortune 1000 to garage start-ups utilize this one-hour, one-on-one remote session with me to jump start their brand strategies and get them on the road to implementation.

Real time sessions are by phone, text, audio or video.

And yes, it only takes one hour. Because you pay only for actionable time:

You begin by forwarding background material which is reviewed at no charge. I'll review your material and your list of pre-arranged questions (so you don't lose time on the actual call). Once the call begins, it's a full-steam, strategic session that doesn't stop for an uninterrupted 60 minutes. Enough focused time to answer all your questions -- and then some.

You may record the session and even follow up with one or two e-mail questions. Everything for the price of one session. It's a great way to get your questions answered, problems solved and implementation under way!

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Amount: US$750 per session
First/Last Name:  
City: State (USA)
Country: Zip/PostalCode
Card Number:
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